Friends “Picture the Park!” Photo Contest

Split Rock (Photo: Nilka Martell)

Split Rock (Photo: Nilka Martell)

In spring 2015, the Friends of Pelham Bay Park launched its first photography contest, incorporating its Facebook page for voting. Contestants could enter photographs in three of five subject categories: Seasons, People in the Park, Wildlife, Infused by Bronx History, and Scenic Vistas. Categories were rolled out sequentially from February through May and the wonderful photographs submitted provided for new perspectives on the natural resources and activities people enjoy in Pelham Bay Park’s unique landscape. Winners were chosen in each category, with a grand prize given to Nilka Martell for her compelling photograph of the celebrated Split Rock. As Martell commented: “I hope this photo stirs people’s curiosity to learn more about Split Rock and about its importance here in the Bronx.

All the winning photographs were displayed at the City Island Nautical Museum in the summer, and at the Huntington Free Library, in September. A final exhibition venue will be the Poe Park Visitor’s Center. The exhibitions, and the Friends Facebook page, gave people all over the Bronx a chance to better appreciate the beauty of the Park.


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